About Us

At our core, we are dedicated to empowering female investors by bridging the gap and providing them with the connections they need for success. With an extensive network of accomplished female real estate professionals including realtors, wholesalers, contractors, appraisers, lenders, and developers, we bring together a diverse pool of expertise to explore and seize investment opportunities. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned investor, our aim is to foster a community where we support each other in acquiring investment properties. We offer educational courses catered towards beginners, while also providing seasoned investors with the chance to purchase properties through our unique “pay it forward” investing strategy. Our ultimate goal is to ensure every member becomes a property owner, while also enabling them to expand their investment portfolio. Our concept may be seen as unconventional, but we proudly embrace it as a symbol of rebellion!

We Believe in Helping Others By Giving Back 

The Real Estate Rebel Organization is committed to the transformative power of service. Our mission is to empower disadvantaged women through education. Join us in making a difference by becoming a guest speaker at a homeless shelter or by donating to support their access to our courses. We will match your donation and ensure individuals on our waiting list are notified. Together, let’s empower women to achieve homeownership and create a brighter future.



Why Choose Us

Empowering Women Through Real Estate

At Real Estate Rebel, we bridge the gap for female investors through our online courses while connecting a network of accomplished female real estate professionals for the sole purpose of acquiring real estate.  Join our rebellious community today!

We Give Back

Through our sponsorship program, we actively serve others. We invite our dedicated members to make a difference by either sharing their time and wisdom with mothers and families in shelters or contributing a donation to empower those facing financial hardship. Let’s ignite the spark of inspiration in women who aspire to become successful investors and achieve their dreams.

When Opportunity Knocks

My Journey

Are you ready to embark on your real estate journey? First, let’s rewind to the beginning of my own.  For years, I searched for like-minded women who shared my burning desire to build a real estate empire. Countless books and podcasts echoed the same advice: seek a mentor and surround yourself with successful individuals who are already living your dreams. They stressed that your net worth is a reflection of the people within your inner circle. But here’s the catch – I had no mentor, no connections in the real estate world. My net worth was zero because I lacked the guidance of seasoned investors. Determined to change my destiny, I obtained my real estate license, even after hesitating on a lucrative investment opportunity out of fear. I delved into the intricacies of real estate transactions, immersing myself in the industry for over fifteen years.

Eventually, I found my place working with a REO broker, selling bank foreclosures to real estate investors. It was a pivotal moment that altered the course of my life. Suddenly, I was surrounded by individuals who were actually living the life I aspired to. Through collaborations with wholesalers and utilizing my expertise in finding off-market properties I started a real estate business. I eventually acquired a multifamily property and purchased a couple of  mortgage-free assets. But I soon realized that the road to investing success would be smoother if I had a dedicated team, a collective of individuals with a shared goal – to become multimillion-dollar real estate investors! And thus, the Real Estate Rebel organization was born.

Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned investor, our aim is to support each other in acquiring investment properties. We believe in empowering one another through collaboration and partnership. Wouldn’t it be great to purchase a property with partners that allowed you to hold majority shares, while they take smaller stakes in ownership? How about if every member were able to do this?  This vision is not just my goal; it’s my passion, my mission.

Tiffany Archer

Tiffany Archer

Managing Director

Reach Us


Newark, NJ


(908) 858-3929
[email protected]

Business Hours

M-F:  9am - 5pm

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